Get expert help to make the impact you dream of with your online courses!

Imagine selling more courses resulting in more transformations for your audience - courses that so engage your learners, they thrive and succeed with your content.

Hand holding a paper airplane with bright sun and clouds in the background.

When your learners experience success with your content, they are ready to buy your next product and grow even more. When they succeed, you succeed.

As a learning science expert, I can guide you to improved courses with better outcomes.

Do you worry your learners aren’t experiencing the transformations
you know they can achieve?

Do your learners start your courses but never finish them?

Do you avoid refreshing courses because you don’t know what to address?
Having a learning expert review your courses allows you to only revise the parts of your courses that will have the most impact.

Origami birds: The first is sitting, the next is taking off, and the third is a plane in flight.

Does the idea of revising a course make you want to run for the hills?

Have you been revising your courses by trail and error, not 

knowing if the changes you are making are the

“right” ones or not?

Three women with backs to us, one holding an umbrella, running down a grassy hill.

Or worse, you never refresh courses at all because you don’t know what to address?

When you try to revise courses on your own do you get overwhelmed and confused?

I understand what that feels like!

I once worked on a national project in which we were given 2 years to revise every course in the college’s catalog! We asked the deans to let us know what was already working in the courses so we didn’t rewrite those parts; it was so overwhelming to them, they just wanted us to start the course from scratch!

But, that wasn’t necessary. The courses were full of great content, they just needed re-designed.

We had to first determine which elements were working and which needed revision, relying on learning science best practices.

Let the learning science expert guide your design revision!

You’ll have my full support as I identify what elements to address, how to address them, and meet live with you for questions.

With decades of experience as a professional online course creator,
I can quickly identify the most important parts
of your course to refresh.

What a Course Review Can Do for You

See more course completions

When a course is designed with a learner focus, more students complete them. They don’t get stuck on navigation or fatigued with too much content at once.

See more transformations

When content is presented in ways that allow the learner to process and integrate it, the learner is able to apply and act on it.

Increase follow-up sales for your next course or product

When a learner completes a course and experiences a transformation, they are ready, motivated, and excited to take the next step with you.

What You Get with a Course Review

Course Review

I will review your course design and identify up to five things you can do to improve your course’s impact and engagement.

Review Resources

  • A course review checklist identifying up to 5 areas to improve
  • Detailed instructions on how to address the top three areas

Live Consultation

You have a 30-minute live meeting with me to ask any questions you have concerning your course review feedback.

What is NOT included:

Your content itself will not be reviewed.
You are the content expert so it’s not appropriate for me to comment on your content.

The review focuses solely on the design of the course content –
how it’s put together, organized, and presented to learners.

I do not do the revisions for you; instead I do provide detailed guidance for you to do so.

What I Will Need From You

Provide Course Access

Provide me access information for the course you want me to review.

I will request access in your purchase follow-up email.

Review Feedback

You will receive your feedback in one to two weeks.

Please review it as soon as possible.

Schedule Live Consultation

We will be in communication for you to schedule your live meeting.
Three people summiting a mountain peak with the words Course Review Package written across it.

Whether you want an expert review prior to a course's first launch or you have an existing course that needs refreshed, a course review can ensure your learners are getting what they need from your content. 

See the transformations you dream of for your learners.

Be proud of both the content and the design of your courses.

Investment Price:

Course Review Package

  • Complete Design Review of one entire course
  • Feedback Checklist identifying up to 5 items to address for improvement
  • Detailed feedback for implementation of the top 3 areas identified to address
  • Live 30-minute consultation with me to review your feedback and ask any questions

In the year 2000,
I vowed to help improve online education.

Profile image of the author Lisa Tussey Yoder

When I first encountered the online world for educational purposes in the 1990s, the thrill I felt at the possibilities was exhilarating!

In 2000 when I first professionally entered the field of online course creation by designing and launching a distance-learning program for a small college, I was quickly disillusioned to discover that with all the possibilities of the internet, most institution were merely trying to mimic the classroom with badly scanned textbooks, pages of text-based content, and multiple-choice tests. Yuck!

That was when I vowed to help improve the world of online education.

At first, I did that for colleges and universities, designing all of the courses for graduate programs in Project Management and Information Systems Technology for a major university. We also did programs for associate and bachelor degree programs. 

But, working for a large learning corporation had practices that were stifling, and I didn’t feel like I was doing enough to impact students’ or course creators’ experiences like I wanted.

Then, I began encountering the world of online course creators and their creativity. I found a world of people who want to make an impact for others and themselves.

People who want others:

- To know the joy and pride of knitting their own scarves
- To be more mentally well
- To transform their lives by running their own online business

So many wonderful people striving to do so many important things for others!

After decades of work as an instructional designer, I realized that while course creators’ content is solid, they often struggle when it comes to course design and creation. Creators ask, “How can I help more students complete my courses?” “How do I make the content easy to follow along for students?” “What steps can I take to increase accessibility?”

I saw they unknowingly had course elements that created barriers for their learners, making it hard for students to learn or successfully complete courses.

I saw lots of businesses offering to help creators get their content into courses “fast” and “easily,” but I didn’t see anyone talking about quality or putting the focus on what the learners need to succeed.

That seemed like a disconnect to me because I have been in communities with these business owners, and I know how much they long to see their followers thrive and grow.

I knew that while there is a vast set of knowledge behind quality course design, improving a course didn’t have to be complex.

I felt that finally, I could make the impact I’d vowed to make years ago, this time with creators who care deeply about the success of their learners.

The first thing I did was create 
an easy-to-follow framework that I give away for free.

The second thing I did was create a review service so that you can focus on only the design parts of your course that need attention.

I guide you on the revisions which will make the most impact for seeing the transformations you dream of for your learners.

I am starting a movement of high-quality courses that impact more learners, transforming both the lives of the learners and the creators!

Lisa Yoder is an educator in the greatest sense of the word.

Lisa possesses a broad view of the scope of real learning and effective curriculum.

During our tenure together, Lisa . . . developed quality curriculum that received consistently positive reviews from students.

Having taught in a number of venues, she reflected good understanding of student learning styles and abilities.

Lee Hutchinson
Distance Learning Administrator

[Lisa] is a person who eats, sleeps and breathes learning.

Education isn't just her career, it's her hobby, too.

She researches alternatives and emerging trends constantly, running down every lead and always learning. She's got years of experience, but maintains a passion for the latest educational shifts, research and technology.

She is exactly the type of person you want on any instructional design project: thorough, caring, passionate and professional.

Headshot of Danielle Hayden

Danielle Hayden
Editor & Instructional Designer

Lisa has worked with our product team building two online courses. She is both creative and knowledgeable.

She keeps the end user in mind at all times and collaborates well with our team.

I can highly recommend her.

Headshot of Linda Malcak

Linda Malcak
Managing Partner, Perci LLC