Text banner that says Connected Course Designs for Business

Make the impact

you dream of as an entrepreneur!

Imagine expanding your business with courses and workshops.

Whether you are teaching nutrition, ADHD learning methods, or beekeeping, imagine creating courses that so engage your customers, they thrive and succeed with your content. When they succeed, you succeed.

A group of adults cheering, hands held in the air.

When you offer courses and workshops for your business, you expand your opportunities for income and impact.

And, you don't have to do it alone. You can have an online course design expert by your side for each step of course creation with one-on-one coaching. 

Are you uncertain what course to create?

You know your content inside and out, but maybe you aren’t sure how to present it.

How do you figure all this out without getting a degree in learning sciences?

Man with beard and glasses at a computer desk writing notes on paper
Two hikers looking at a map together with a rocky mountain in the background

You let me guide you through the Summit-First Framework.

Working with me one-on-one, you’ll:
- Repurpose any existing content
- Expand your business income opportunities
- Have a greater impact with your business

Have you tried “everything” to increase exposure of your business?

Have you posted endlessly to social media, navigated the world of paid aids, and signed up for marketplaces?

Person taking a phone photo of a ceramic pot with a heart in the bottom

It's time to create a course or workshop that connects you actively to your audience.

Close up of water color pan and a sailboat being painted by brush

By creating a dynamic way for people to interact with you and your content, you increase your connection to customers and clients.

You also expand your marketing opportunities. When you discuss your business at a conference or on a podcast, offer your courses for sale as well. Wherever you sell your products and services, offer your courses for sale.

Create a course to reach
more people and
earn more income!


Are you a nutritionist
who writes about plant-based and vegan diet benefits? 

Create a hands-on course focusing on the culinary side of veganism, teaching students how to prepare delicious, nutrient-dense meals.

Do you sell ADHD learning products? 

Create a course guiding learners through one of your products,
providing tips and additional insight.

Do you teach workshops on beekeeping?


Create an online course on gardening that attracts pollinators.

With my one-on-one coaching, you get:

Close up of arms and hands of two people working together with a form and notebook


Have the personal guidance of a course design expert

A System

Use a system that’s easy to understand and follow


Have the course planned out before you write the first word


Know what and how much to include in your course and what to omit

Accessible Content

Know how to include elements that are inclusive for those with accessibility needs

As an entrepreneur, get results that expand the reach of your business.

Initiate scalable income

Make a greater impact with your content

Test new ideas and gather feedback

Establish authority and credibility

Reinforce your brand

Mom on couch with laptop, coffee, and an infant in her lap

What you get with

Connected Course Designs 
Course Creation Coaching

Step-by-Step Coaching

  • I personally guide you step-by-step through my Summit-First Framework.
  • Five clear steps that guide you from concept to course completion.
  • Use of research-proven methods that engage learners for success.
  • A mapped out process by someone who knows course design.

Choose from two options:

Package of 7 sessions

Coaching by the hour

Coaching for Course Creation

Package of 7 sessions: $779

Initial consultation meeting

Access to all existing Summit-First Framework Courses

My guidance as you create the course using the Summit-First Framework 5 steps

Seven sessions going from course idea to completion:

  • Session 1:  Course content decision, Learner Destination Goal and Trail Marker Goals
  • Session 2:  Backpack checklist of all the resources your course needs
  • Session 3:  Finalize all course resources for the Backpack
  • Session 4:  Create the Trail Map, organizing all the content appropriately
  • Session 5:  Finalize the Trail Map
  • Session 6:  Create content for the Trail Guide (the course)
  • Session 7:  Finalize the Trail Guide (the course)

Coaching by the hour: $147 per hour

You pay for coaching per hour to address anything you like concerning course creation and design.

Schedule whenever you like, for whatever part of the process you need assistance with at the time.

You're in good hands

Lisa Tussey is an educator in the greatest sense of the word.

Lisa possesses a broad view of the scope of real learning and effective curriculum.

During our tenure together, Lisa . . . developed quality curriculum that received consistently positive reviews from students.

Having taught in a number of venues, she reflected good understanding of student learning styles and abilities.

Lee Hutchinson
Distance Learning Administrator

[Lisa] is a person who eats, sleeps and breathes learning.

Education isn't just her career, it's her hobby, too.

She researches alternatives and emerging trends constantly, running down every lead and always learning. She's got years of experience, but maintains a passion for the latest educational shifts, research and technology.

She is exactly the type of person you want on any instructional design project: thorough, caring, passionate and professional.

Headshot of Danielle Hayden

Danielle Hayden
Editor & Instructional Designer

Lisa has worked with our product team building two online courses. She is both creative and knowledgeable.

She keeps the end user in mind at all times and collaborates well with our team.

I can highly recommend her.

Headshot of Linda Malcak

Linda Malcak
Managing Partner, Perci LLC

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this work for in-person courses or only online ones?

While I have specialized training and experience in online education, course design principles work for all courses and workshops – online and in-person. I created entire programs for in-person college courses as a professional Instructional Designer as well as designing my own homeschool courses and unit studies.

What if I don’t know what to create a course about?

That’s what I’m here for. I will consult with you to determine what needs your audience has that you can meet with courses and/or workshops, in-person or online.

What if I already have a course created?

I can work with you to review and optimize it, making sure it gives your learners the best opportunity for success.

What if I’m not in the homeschool market?

The Summit-First Framework works for any content area, and I have worked with all types of content creators from online business soloprenuers and coaches to graduate professors.

How do I sell my courses?

You can teach in person, put self-paced courses on online platforms, or do a hybrid model where you have self-paced content combined with live, virtual meetings.

How do I know what to teach?

I guide you through the process using the Summit-First Framework in which we start by determining exactly what it is you want to teach. We’ll discuss this in your consultation meeting.

About me:

As an online entrepreneur myself,
I understand how overwhelming course creation can feel.
Profile image of the author Lisa Tussey Yoder

When I first encountered the online world being used for educational purposes as a homeschool mom in the 1990s, the thrill I felt at the possibilities for education overall was exhilarating! I was already designing and creating my own curriculum for my three sons and loved the idea of expanding that to online learning for academics and business owners both.

In 2000 I professionally entered the field of online course creation, and I was quickly disillusioned to discover that with all the possibilities of the internet, institutions were merely trying to mimic the classroom with badly scanned textbooks, pages of text-based content, and multiple-choice tests. Yuck!

That was when I vowed to help improve the world of online education.

At first, I served colleges and universities.

Then, I began encountering the world of entrepreneurs who offered courses as part of their business model. I found people who want to positively impact others from teaching yoga to selling math programs. As a homeschooler, I encountered many entrepreneurial families. My oldest son even worked for one that collected leftover corn to sell for feeding squirrels.

People who want others to learn from them things such as:
  • To know the joy and pride of knitting their own scarves
  • To be more mentally well
  • To transform their lives by running their own online business

So many wonderful people striving to do so many important things for others!

After decades of work as an instructional designer for universities, I realized that while entrepreneurial course creators’ hearts were in the right place, they often struggled when it came to course design and creation. They were overwhelmed asking, “What do I put in my course?” or “How long should my lessons be?” “Where do I start?”

I saw they unknowingly had course elements that created barriers for their learners, making it hard for students to learn or even navigate the courses.

I saw lots of businesses offering to help creators get their content into courses “fast” and “easily,” but I didn’t see anyone talking about quality or putting the focus on what the learners need.

That seemed like a disconnect to me because I have been in communities with these business owners, and I know how much they long to see their followers thrive and grow, and want the highest quality possible.

I knew that while there is a vast set of knowledge behind quality course design, it didn’t have to be complex. It could be distilled down to 5 steps.

I felt that finally, I could make the impact I’d vowed to make years ago, this time with entrepreneurs who care deeply about the success of their learners.

That’s why I created my own, easy-to-follow framework based on my decades of experience as a course design expert with a master’s degree in Instructional Design. I know that while there is a vast set of knowledge behind quality course design, it doesn’t have to be complex to implement. It can be distilled down to 5 steps.

It’s so straightforward, I have a free 15-minute course that covers the entire 5-step framework. I encourage you to check it out.

Yes, you can take this framework and run with it on your own.

What I also know about being an entrepreneur is that we can be overwhelmed with all there is to do to expand our businesses. Whether you already have courses you’d like to refine or want to add courses and/or workshops to your existing business, I can help. 

Schedule a free, 20-minute consultation with me now.

Learn more about my education background and approach to course design in this 30-minute interview with The Creative Midwife, Julie Jordan Scott.

YouTube Thumbnail of Julie and Lisa with the words: Interview with The Creative Midwife, Julie Jordan Scott, on her Writing Camp YouTuber Channel, and Interview with Lisa Tussey Yoder, Creative and Learning Design Expert.
I want to create courses for:
  • My homeschool
  • My business
  • Both homeschooling and home business