Make the impact you dream of
with your business!
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Create effective online courses with the Summit-First Framework
Imagine creating courses that so engage your learners, they thrive and succeed with your content.
When your learners experience success with your content, they are ready to buy your next product and grow even more. When they succeed, you succeed!
In just 15 minutes, you can learn the 5-step Summit-First Framework for FREE!

Are you mystified about what or how much content your learners need to succeed in their transformation?
What if you had a learning expert guide you step-by-step?
Do you ask yourself:
What do I include?
Having so much good content to offer makes it difficult to know what to include.
Knowing what and how much your learners need can be confusing.
Am I making a difference?
Do you wonder if you are making a difference with your courses?
Knowing what learners need to succeed can feel daunting!
How do I keep from being overwhelmed?
Does writing a course feel overwhelming?
Sometimes you just want someone to tell you what steps to take next.
You aren’t a learning expert; you’re a content expert!
So, how do you figure all this out without getting a degree in learning sciences?
Let me guide you with the Summit First Framework.

Have you started and stopped
trying to create your course
over and over again?
What if you could know exactly how to organize your content so your learners get the transformation you've promised?
Have you tried course creation methods that focus on content marketing instead of learner success?
Are you proud of your content but unsure of your course's impact for your learners?
Have you started and stopped your course creation over and over again?

The problem with many course creation programs is they focus on the content rather than the learner. Learner-focused courses connect your valuable content to demonstrable action.
Don’t get me wrong, content is important as well!
You are the content expert for your business; you know you have content you are proud of, but do you worry if your learners are connecting and succeeding with it?
Follow the Summit-First Framework to create courses that powerfully impact your learners’ lives with the transformations you offer.
You will know that you are using research-proven methods that engage your learners for success.
You will know exactly what content goes in and what stays out.
You will follow 5 clear steps that guide you from concept to course completion.
You don’t have to know instructional design or learning theory because the process is all mapped out for you by someone who does.
The Summit-First Framework allows you to:
Sell more courses
Know what to include in your courses and what to omit
Have the course planned out before you write the first word
Know how to include elements that are inclusive for accessibility needs
Rely on research-based best practices instead of trial and error
Use a system that’s easy to understand and follow
See more learner success with more course completions
See increased sales because when learners complete courses, they are ready to buy your next product or service.
Be as proud of your course design as you are your content

I guide you through the easy-to-follow, 5-step framework.
This 15-minute course covers the foundation of everything you need to know to design a course that engages your learners.
The framework starts at the beginning – well, actually the end, the summit.
What you get with the
Summit-First Framework
The framework explains how as a course creator, you need to start at the place your learners finish, what I call the summit. You need to be clear on what it is that your learners will be able to do at the end of the course before you write the first word of content.
I lead you step-by-step through the entire process.
Welcome video that orients you to the course and materials
Overview presentation of the entire 5-step framework
Five lessons, one for each step:
Learner Summit Destination
Trail Markers
Backpack Checklist
Trail Map
Trail Guide
Summit-First Worksheet: Fillable PDF
Trail Map Template: Fillable PDF
Complete Course Transcript: PDF
In the year 2000,
I vowed to help improve online education.

This is why I’m providing this framework solution to you for free.
When I first encountered the online world for educational purposes in the 1990s, the thrill I felt at the possibilities was exhilarating!
In 2000 when I first professionally entered the field of online course creation, I was quickly disillusioned to discover that with all the possibilities of the internet, institutions were merely trying to mimic the classroom with badly scanned textbooks, pages of text-based content, and multiple-choice tests. Yuck!
That was when I vowed to help improve the world of online education.
After getting my master's degree in Instructional Design, I took the opportunity to impact online learning for colleges and universities by working for a large learning corporation, designing all of the courses for graduate programs for major universities as well as associate and bachelor degree programs.
Now I'm using that experience to help entrepreneurs create courses leveraging the incredible online possibilities that over the decades have expanded beyond my wildest dreams. I get excited working with business people who care about their customers' learning success.
People who want others:
To know the joy of knitting their own scarves
To be more mentally well
To transform their lives by running their own online business